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Age: 30s
Gender: Man
Height: 5'10"
Ethnicity: Indian American

Like Gold, Cain craves attention, but unlike Gold, he does not particularly care who is giving it to him. He's perfectly affable without forming any deeper connections to people, something he himself may not even realise. Not that he'd want to explore that, of course. He'd rather not have discomfort kill his vibes.

He has been fascinated with slipshapes from a young age, particularly those that turn into cats.


Gold - FILL

Defining song: Belong to the World - The Weeknd
Yap - a casual friend he met at a slipshape club.

Defining song:

Playlist and Moodboard

Smoke machine reflecting orange and pink lights
Pink tinted closeup of a marble statue's torso
Silhouette of crowds at a concert against pale orange smoke

Photos are free stock images from Pexels or Unsplash. All other images by me.